The S.S. Keanemutiny settled on the River Thames for a few days to allow her captain to explore London. Ok, so maybe I'm not really aboard a ship, but that's the theme of this blog, so bear with me. Our flight landed a half an hour early at London's Heathrow airport at 8:30am on Friday, June 5. The Virgin Atlantic flight was uneventful, which is always good. The seats were a bit cramped, but the movie selection was kick-ass, so I was happy. We (Crystal, Kate, and I) took the tube from Heathrow to our supposed hotel on Regent Street, only to discover that there are 6 St. George's hotels in London and the one we lugged our bags to was not ours. boo. Tired and lazy, we decided to take a cab to the St. George's at which we actually had a reservation. This hotel was not as swanky as the last, but was in a prime location between Victoria and Pimlico. After receiving our one room key, we were told our room was on the third floor. Well, the man of foreign (not british) decent behind the hotel counter was sorely mistaken, because I counted six flights of stairs to our room....no elevator or "lift" as the Brits call it. Our room was small, but adequate.
At 2pm we were supposed to go to the Globe Theatre to see Romeo and Juliet, but we were way too jet lagged and opted for a nap instead.
Later that evening we bought tickets for "The Original Bus Tour" of London, not to be confused with those imitation bus tours. We briefly took in some sights, most notable of which was St. Paul's Cathedral, on the steps of which I had to sit and sing "Feed the Birds." If only I had tuppence. The picture above is of me and Kate at St. Paul's. There were tons of pigeons there...I'm not sure why they didn't make it into the shot. My hair looks ridiculously red because Crystal took this picture with the "pop art" setting on her newfangled camera. We quickly learned that setting should not be applied when shooting human beings, especially gingerkids. More to come on London.....
So exciting! Cousin Jen and I went to the Globe Theater...I don't think you're missing much. Did you walk around going "London Baby!" like Joey from friends?